
Website is WIP

1 名前:なよな ◆NyN747Ny 投稿日:07/03/2024(木)14:10:21 ID:NyN747Ny
Hello, welcome to this thing
I'm currently not done with this yet... but soon that'll change.
    ∧∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\      ∧ ∧___
   (,,゚Д゚)<      gorrah!    |   /(*゚ー゚) /\
   ⊂  ⊃ \_____/  /| ̄UU ̄|\/
  ~|  |                 |____|/
 ,,  し`J
This page was a more "polished" version of my training one, but i might make it more
"About the /main board" thing. ☆
I also made some shortcuts just for fun at >>3, so do as you wish.  
2 名前:Persistent and Easy-going Nameless Person 投稿日:08/03/2024(金)13:18:37 ID:74YNy!y7
         ∧_∧  ∧_∧
    ピュ.ー (  ・3・) (  ^^ ) <From now on, make sure to cheer us up(^^)
      =〔~∪ ̄ ̄ ̄∪ ̄ ̄〕
          = ◎――――――◎                      -Yamazaki Wataru & Borgeois
3 名前:Persistent and Easy-going Nameless Person 投稿日:08/03/2024(金)13:19:30 ID:4N@y0n4!

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